GPS Watches
Using GPS Watches with CJC Club Runs
There are numerous ways to use GPS Watches with CJC Club Runs. One of the more interesting ways is to load the maps for upcoming runs onto your watch. This can be slightly complex, but there are numerous people in the club who would be more than happy to help.
At least with Garmin watches, it can be as easy as plugging in a USB cable and treating it as if it was a USB Thumb Drive.
Loading GPX files directly
If you visit the new Maps page you will notice two things. First, there is a GPX file that can be downloaded for each run. Secondly, there is a ZIP file containing all the club runs. Either of these options will work. Loading these onto your watch varies between models. With many Garmin watches, plug the watch into the USB port and navigate to the Garmin/New Files directory, as if it was a USB Stick. Then copy the GPX files you want to use into this directory.
Courses can be deleted in a similar way, by simply deleting entries in the Garmin/COURSES directory.
Using the Garmin routeCourse App
Install the Garmin routeCourse app using the ConnectIQ Store.
Then visit and create a FREE account. We have paid money so you don't have to.
You then need to link your Garmin account
Once you have linked your Garmin device, visit the following URL:
Click on the plus sign for all maps. The maps will now appear in your account.
You can then go to your watch and run the dynamicWatch app, downloading maps as needed. Be warned, the app needs to connect to the Internet. Also, many watches are limited with the number of courses you can download. Once the courses are on the watch, there are a few options for starting navigation
On The Phone - routeCourse
To download courses with routeCourse, your phone will need to be connected to the Internet. Then select routeCourse.
This will bring up a list of runs that you can download, or you can navigate. Be careful, many watches can only have about 20 or so courses loaded.
Once you find the course, you can select it, and it will be downloaded to the phone.
Navigating to Courses - either for downloaded courses, or using routeCourse
This is Garmin specific.
The best way if you are uploading to Strava is to choose the type of exercise as normal.
Once you have done this, press the UP button for a few seconds. A menu will appear. Then select Navigation
If you choose Navigate directly, it will likely make your training type Workout rather than Run or Ride or whatever!
You can also navigate courses that are downloaded either directly, or using routeCourse. This is done using the menu like selecting a run or a ride.
You will then be asked to select the course.
When you select it, there are a few options. Doing the course is the most common.
This will bring up the map that you can follow, and will also tell you when you are off course. You can zoom into the map once you start running too.
When I run, I normally have the course zoomed into about 300m. This seems to give enough overview of the course and the surrounding area. If you leave the course, the watch will normally beep or buzz at you depending on how things are set up.